United Airlines Her Art Here gives wings to the artistic dreams of women

During this year’s Women’s History Month which started from Friday, 1st March 2019 and will go on till Sunday, 31st March 2019, United Airlines launched Her Art Here. This outdoor campaign is to find two women artists to paint one of their United 757 planes. The one who wins the contest will get a chance to work with Shantell Martin, the eminent visual artist best known for her large scale, black-and-white drawings. She performs many of her drawings for a live audience. If you want to participate, you can submit your design and enter here -https://www.united.com/HerArtHere. The last date to submit is on March 24, 2019.
This contest is a golden opportunity for women artists to gain worldwide recognition by painting a canvas that expands on a global scale – a United Airlines Boeing 757 aircraft! Yeah, it can be your chance to give wings to your artistic dreams! It’s shocking to know that only 12% of art displayed in museums is by women despite 50% of artists being women. It’s time for girl power to rise; and rise high n the sky!
United Airlines Her Art Here — Her Art Here (#HerArtHere)
Agency: Laundry Service
Campaign: Her Art Here
Client: United Airlines
Women’s History Month, United Airlines Her Art Here, Her Art Here, Painting, Artist, traveling, Boeing 757, Shantell Martin, United Airlines Ads, Cycle Media, Outdoor, outdoor campaign