5 best alcohol advertisements

Best alcohol advertisements
ABInBev: Far Stores
To communicate this year’s ABInBev Ecuador ‘Sales Representatives Recruitment Program’ brand created a campaign using images of actual stores in the country, showing how hard this kind of work is. Still, the sacrifice is worth it because this company is full of opportunities.
Brand: ABInBev Ecuador
Advertising Agency: Bombai Ecuador
Red Marx: Stronger Than Ideas
RedMarx is a beer inspired by Karl Marx and communism, with the traditional symbol of this political and socioeconomic ideology on its label: sickle and hammer. To prove that the beer has a very strong taste, world leaders known for their fight against communism appear enjoying the drink, proving that its taste is stronger than any ideology.
Brand: Red Marx
Advertising Agency: Binder, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Guinness: Drink Responsibly
Brand: Guinness
Advertising Agency: BBDO West Africa, Lagos, Nigeria
Karsten Brewery: Windows
For those who always see the glass as half full, staying at home is the best option. Karsten Delivery.
Brand: Karsten Brewery
Advertising Agency: Woop Comunicação, Jaraguá do Sul, Brazil
Bad Boy: Alcohol and Dictatorship
Right before the President’s elections in Ukraine, Kyiv-based creative agency Banda launched a print campaign for Bad Boy wine and spirit store. Now it is a perfect time for Ukrainians to remember what happens if one does not vote responsibly. If only parents knew what the future brings to their cuties, they would probably switch to winemaking instead of raising a monster.
So here’s to responsible voting and responsible drinking.
Brand: Bad Boy
Advertising Agency: Banda, Ukraine