Burger King: Forgotten items

Burger King Forgotten items

Everybody has already forgotten something behind them after sharing a delicious meal in a restaurant. Usually, it’s no big deal, and you have to go back the next day. But this time, we had to wait for seven months. Can you imagine? All these cold toys, orphan books, and lost keys that are waiting for their owners since then. Fortunately, BURGER KING® Belgium is finally reopening.

This time, they won’t celebrate this event with a picture of a delicious burger. Instead, BURGER KING® chose to make a touching ad. It’s time to reunite with your keys, toys, socks (and even more)! You probably can’t wait to see them again, well BURGER KING® also can’t wait to see you again. So book your June 9 to go to BURGER KING® to reunite with your lost items, and as a bonus, you will have the pleasure of tasting a delicious burger.

Burger King Forgotten items

Burger King Forgotten items

Burger King: Forgotten items

Burger King: Forgotten items

Burger King: Forgotten items

Burger King Forgotten items

Brand: Burger King
Campaign: Burger King Forgotten items
Advertising Agency: Buzzman
President and Executive Creative Director: Georges Mohammed-Chérif
Vice – President: Thomas Granger
Managing Director: Julien Levilain
Creative Directors: Louis Audard, Tristan Daltroff
Art Director: Nicolas Boudeau
Copywriter: Caroline Ribemont
Account Director: Xavier Devaux-Landragin
Account Manager: Quentin Seguret
Account Executive Assistant: Romane Bourdier
Social Media Consultant: Paul Gosset
Head of PR & Communication: Amélie Juillet
PR & Communication Manager: Paul Renaudineau
Head of Production: Vanessa Barbel