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Titan Eye Plus: Buri nazar wale chashma lagale

Titan Eye Plus: Buri nazar wale chashma lagale

Titan Eye Plus, Buri nazar wale chashma lagale, Campaigns of the world

Titan Eye Plus created print ad ‘Buri nazar wale chashma lagale’

Problem: Most people take their eyesight for granted and even tend to postpone their visit to the optometrist. These people while driving on the road cause a huge risk both for others and for themselves.

The Task: Titan wanted to get the message of good eyesight and Titan Eye Plus on the spot, to these people, while they were driving on the road.

The Solution: Most trucks in India have a quirky slogan painted on their rear. A common one being – “Buri nazar wale tera mooh kala.” Which loosely translates as You with the evil eye, may your face turn black.’ These words are usually accompanied by a colourful, scary-looking face of a demon. The word for evil eye in Hindi is ‘Buri Nazar’ which also translates as bad eyesight. This piece borrows this pun and the colorful art that’s commonly seen behind Indian trucks to interestingly promote Titan Eye Plus eye wear.

The Copy: Buri nazar wale chashma lagale. Translation: People with bad eyesight, wear glasses.

The Result: Enquiries for Titan Eye Plus spectacles range has been on a significant rise since the launch of the campaign.

Titan Eye Plus, Buri nazar wale chashma lagale, Campaigns of the world

Titan Eye Plus, Buri nazar wale chashma lagale, Campaigns of the world

Titan Eye Plus, Buri nazar wale chashma lagale, Campaigns of the world

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Bangalore, India
National Creative Directors: Piyush Pandey, Rajiv Rao, Abhijit Avasthi
Executive Creative Director: Joono Simon
Copywriter: Piyush Pandey
Art Director: Vinci Raj
Illustrator: Senthil Saravan kumar
Photographer: Kumaran
Additional credits: Joshi, Anil Kumar, Sneha Nidhin, Jasper Daniel, Ayelin Rodrigues, Maniny, Adhithya

Print Advert, Print Campaign, Print Advertising, Creativity, Creative Ad, Advertising