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Expresso – Expresso 2020, to draw attention to the challenges of the new decade

Expresso – Expresso 2020, to draw attention to the challenges of the new decade

Expresso newspaper: expresso 2020

Expresso is the Portuguese leading newspaper. This campaign Expresso 2020 was created to draw attention to the challenges of the new decade. And because to ignore the present is to ignore the future, there are questions that must be asked and answers that need to be given. Through Expresso’s reference journalism, readers will have content to think and anticipate a changing world.

Expresso newspaper: expresso 2020

Expresso newspaper: expresso 2020

Expresso newspaper: expresso 2020

Expresso newspaper: expresso 2020

Expresso newspaper: expresso 2020

Expresso newspaper: expresso 2020

Brand: Expresso Newspaper
Campaign: Expresso 2020
Advertising Agency: Moon, Lisbon, Portugal
Creative Director: Tiago Rebelo
Art Director: David Sereno
Copywriter: Ulisses Silva

Print Advertising, Portugal, Media, Expresso Newspaper, Moon, Lisbon, Portugal, Expresso 2020