Greenpeace: The Nature of Plastic | An irreversible disruption of nature

Greenpeace: The Nature of Plastic

Cheil Central America has created a striking campaign for Greenpeace Chile – ‘The Nature of Plastic’ – in which five of Chile’s iconic locations are re-imagined in plastic for print, outdoor and social to express the impact of pollution, even in protected environments, and highlight the need for behavioural change.

The creative team selected five locations: Easter Island, the Atacama desert, El Plomo mountain, the El Morado glacier; and the Araucania forest. These locations were chosen to illustrate clearly that our plastic use has penetrated the very fabric of nature even in such breathtaking scenes.

Chile is the largest Latin American country in the production of plastic waste. Each year, out of 990,000 tonnes, only 8% is recycled.
Plastic dispersed in the environment survives over time and, through micro fragmentation, gets everywhere. In Chile, as in the rest of the world, what is not recycled penetrates the ecosystem’s natural fabric and reaches protected environments and World Heritage sites.


Greenpeace: The Nature of Plastic

The Nature of Plastic by Greenpeace

The Nature of Plastic by Greenpeace

The Nature of Plastic by Greenpeace

The Nature of Plastic by Greenpeace


Advertiser: Greenpeace
Campaign: The Nature of Plastic
Advertising Agency: Cheil Central America, Panama
President: Kyung Keun Choi
Creative Director: Mariana Peluffo
Copywriter: Mariana Peluffo
Graphic Production: Antonio Valdés
Account Director: Erika Campos
Account Manager: Rosana Pérez
Account Media Executive: Martín Romero
Director of Photography / Production / Art: Diego Salas
Photography: Segundo Luchia Puig, Santiago Mendez Isla
Prop Master: Ángel Ramirez
Digital Retouching: Diego Salas
Production House: CYLNDR Chile
Post production House: RATIO
Video Digital retouching: Ilusión Art Agency