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The Ugliest News Of The Year – Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat releases the ugliest truth | Ugly Truth Sweaters

The Ugliest News Of The Year – Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat releases the ugliest truth | Ugly Truth Sweaters

Helsingin sanomat releases ugly truth sweaters

Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat has created the most beautiful medium for the ugliest news of the world through its Ugly Truth Sweaters campaign. This campaign doesn’t show weaved sweaters that look ugly but shows how they become a medium for the ugliest news during the year. We think it’s an interesting way to bring everyone’s attention to the many alarming concerns that haunt mankind today -climate change, war, sexual harassment, technological manipulation and that piling heap of plastic in the oceans killing the once abundant marine flora and fauna.

Helsingin sanomat releases ugly truth sweaters

Helsingin sanomat releases ugly truth sweaters

Helsingin sanomat releases ugly truth sweaters

Helsingin sanomat releases ugly truth sweaters

Helsingin sanomat releases ugly truth sweaters

And if you see, neither the sweaters look ugly nor are they made from any ugly material. In fact, the wool used to make these sweaters was sourced from a small town of Lieto which is known to produce good quality wool. What’s really inspiring is that each sweater was delivered to all those ladies and gentlemen who are raising their voices and fighting against these alarming issues. The list includes the Nobel Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari, and Malala Youszafai as well as Tarana Burke, the initiator of the #MeToo movement in support of the women who are or have been the victims of sexual harassment at work or elsewhere.

The Ugliest News Of The Year, Sexual harassment, War, Plastic Pollution, #MeToo movement, Malala Youszafai, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Martti Ahtisaari, victims of sexual harassment, #UglyTruthSweaters, Ugly Truth Sweaters, Climate change, Ocean plastic, Helsingin Sanomat, TBWA Helsinki

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