At New Years’ time, we make resolutions to clean out things from our life, and…
Hygienex is into business of selling disposable toilet seat covers. For a product category like…
Serviceplan Middle East and Bridgestone worked with the Dubai Police, Nasser Bin Addullatif Alserkal and…
Listerine: Sometimes all you can do is smile Credits Advertising Agency:JWT, Sao Paulo, Brazil Chief…
Danish Cancer Society thanks smokers for smoking – Smoke-Free Future Smoke-free Future campaign uses an…
When children come into this world, they are blank slates that are highly impressionable. However,…
Project Streedhan, a novel campaign that emanates out of the fact that India ranks the…
Over half think their vulva is imperfect. But there is only one perfect vulva. Yours!…
Blind Maps created by Miami Ad School, Mumbai, is a problem solving projects that caters…
What does your stress look like? Cigna has partnered with doctors, technologists and artists to…
Dove Men+Care championing paternity leave worldwide with a new campaign End Maternity Leave – so…
The heart is a damsel in distress being threatened by cholesterol – the villain. Rosave…
Campaign: SoundCloud – An Opioid Victims Remix Brief Create an innovative idea that raises awareness…
Problem: STIs are at an all-time high, and GenZ isn’t using condoms. Keep it Poppin:…
Endura Mass has recently launched the campaign which is based upon real-life stories of the…