
Adopting Older Children, Older child adoption success stories, Campaigns of the world
Why Adopting Older Children Can Be a Life-Changing Journey for Families

In a world where many couples and individuals dream of becoming parents, the idea of…

LIKEA, Creative Campaign by IKEA, Campaigns of the world
“LIKEA” a Creative Campaign by IKEA: Transforming Everyday Life

IKEA has always stood for more than just furniture. Its foundational goal—to create a better…

#NoDigitalDistortion, Turn your Back by Dove
#NoDigitalDistortion Campaign: A Stand Against Harmful Beauty Standards by Dove

Dove is leading a powerful movement aimed at combating digital distortion with its new #NoDigitalDistortion…

Pregnancy Test for Men, Testicular Cancer, Early detection testicular cancer
Test-Icles – Think You Know Pregnancy Tests? Think Again! This One’s for the Dudes

Test-Icles: Early Testicular Cancer Detection Dudes, listen up. Pregnancy tests aren’t just for women anymore.…

Whitelion Youth, The Loudest Call, Donation campaign, campaigns of the world
Whitelion Youth: The Loudest Call – Making Noise for Change

Ringing in Change: Watch how Whitelion’s payphone campaign ‘The Loudest Call’ shattered misconceptions and helped…

Morning After Island, Women's Rights, Honduras, Campaigns of the world
‘Morning After Island’ Empowers Women’s Rights in Honduras

Experience the triumph of women’s rights and reproductive justice with Morning After Island. Honduras, a…

KIA Picanto, A car inside a bus, Campaigns of the world
A car inside a bus: The first car-showroom on wheels by KIA Picanto

A car inside a bus campaign inspired by the Latin folklore of selling everything on…

Coca Cola, Chinese New Year, Game, Campaigns of the world
Coca-Cola: Chinese New Year Games

As part of Coca-Cola China’s Chinese New Year Games campaign, the brand wanted to bring…

Emergency, Heartwarming film, Campaigns of the world
Emergency – Everyone deserves a future

Emergency – War separates what love creates.     82.4 million people worldwide had to…

Allegro Christmas ad 2021, Campaigns of the world
Allegro: What really matters | Allegro Christmas ad 2021

Allegro Christmas ad 2021 – Let’s see what matters to us. The first impression doesn’t…

KFC Michelin Impossible, Campaigns of the world
KFC: Michelin Impossible

Michelin Impossible by KFC, a quest started by Sam Edelman for a Michelin star for…

WWF The Last Word, Campaigns of the world
WWF – The Last Word

The Last Word campaign by WWF. Watch how we killed a 4,000-year-old word to keep…

Netflix Gif Campaign

Netflix has teamed up with Ogilvy Paris to roll out digital billboards. All of which…

Burger King Mini Whopper Jr. Campaigns of the world
Burger King launched Mini Whopper Jr. to celebrate Halloween 2021

This year, Burger King® transformed its iconic product and will launch a special edition of…

PETA Your Fun Hurts Animals
Your fun hurts animals – PETA shows dark side of animal circuses

Animals have long been caged, chained, and forced to perform in circuses like UniverSoul Circus,…