advertising campaign

Content Creation Tools, Apps, Campaigns of the world, Free advertising tools
Conquer the Digital Landscape: Free Tools to Power Your Advertising Campaign

Harness the Power of Free advertising tools for your Campaign In today’s digital age, navigating…

IRL Trashcan
IRL Trashcan – A physical bin that raises awareness about the impact of digital waste

Soixante Circuits and BETC introduce IRL Trashcan: a physical bin that raises awareness about the…

Sirona Menstrual Cup, Print Advertising Campaign
Sirona Menstrual Cup – Print Advertising Campaign

Sirona Menstrual Cup – The given project is a Problem-solving Advertising Campaign designed as a…

Purple Hive Project by Bega Cheese, Campaigns of the world
Purple Hive Project, An initiative by Bega Cheese

The Purple Hive Project by B honey, a product of Bega Cheese is an AI…

5 best advertising campaigns by Nike, campaigns of the world
5 best advertising campaigns by Nike

Here are some of the best advertising campaigns by Nike that will leave a lasting…

The Lifegiving Light by HSBC, Campaigns of the World
The Lifegiving Light by HSBC

The Lifegiving Light Campaign from Wunderman Thompson North America promotes plant growth, chlorophyll absorption, and…

Netflix Gif Campaign

Netflix has teamed up with Ogilvy Paris to roll out digital billboards. All of which…

Fine Hygienic Holding: Waste Can Mask Our Future
Fine Hygienic Holding: Waste Can Mask Our Future

Hundreds of thousands of face masks are disposed of around the world every day, and…

PETA Your Fun Hurts Animals
Your fun hurts animals – PETA shows dark side of animal circuses

Animals have long been caged, chained, and forced to perform in circuses like UniverSoul Circus,…

Dentsu Rainbow Brands
Dentsu – Rainbow Brands

Dentsu Italy and ten clients (Sky, Nestlé, Very Mobile, Fastweb, Plasmon, KFC, Engie, Pringles, WindTre,…

Burger King: It's Better Delivered
Burger King: It’s Better Delivered

Burger King: Flame Grilled? It’s Better Delivered Traditionally Italians enjoy Easter holidays flame grilling with…

IKEA - Arrimar El Hombro
IKEA – Arrimar El Hombro | Celebrating solidarity of Spanish society

Spanish society has always been known for its solidarity when things get tough. IKEA has…

#FlyBakshiFly - Indigo Airline
#FlyBakshiFly – Indigo Airline’s new campaign is extraordinary

“2020-The year of Pandemic” has not been most kind to everyone. The year affected the…

#StopTheBeautyTest​ - Dove
#StopTheBeautyTest​ | Dove asks how much beauty is enough

Let’s #StopTheBeautyTest 3 out of 4 Indian women are rejected for their looks during the…