Air Pollution

Greenpeace: #cleanairnow
Greenpeace: #CleanAirNow

Air pollution has far-reaching effects on our climate. And efforts to curb harmful emissions are…

Addresspollution org
Address pollution campaign by Central Office for Public Interest | Air pollution an unseen and ignored evil

Air pollution is that form of pollution that is often ignored due to its invisibility,…

#filterthefuture by aditya birla group on world environment day
Aditya Birla Group: #FilterTheFuture this World Environment Day

This World Environment Day, Aditya Birla Group takes a step further towards cementing its commitment…

Actionaid - non-equal rights | best social issue ads
Most powerful Social Issue ads

In a world where attention is the biggest asset, advertising is the new podium for…

Abby awards 2019 winners | goafest 2019
ABBY Awards 2019 winners – Goafest 2019

ABBY Awards 2019 honours creative excellence in advertising. Recognition of efforts is what motivates an…

Volvo auto india breathe free | air pollution india
Volvo Auto India – #BreatheFree Campaign to reduce our carbon footprint significantly

“We know that when you think of Air Pollution, you think of cars. Which is…

Toxic toby the #cleanairbear by breezometer
Toxic Toby the #CleanAirBear by BreezoMeter – The silent killer of London makes a public appearance for the first time

One of the few qualities of a bear, supposedly, is to be empathetic and altruistic.…

The indoor generation by velux
The Indoor Generation by VELUX – A Story That Needs to Change

We spend most of our time away from the grasps of sunlight, inside closed doors…

Hairy nose fight air pollution in china
‘Hairy-Nose’ is an appeal to fight air pollution in China

Air pollution is devil of a problems in many countries causing health problems among citizens.…