
Anti Prejudice Keyboard
Globo Conde Nast: The Anti Prejudice Keyboard

Globo Conde Nast stands against Prejudice with Anti Prejudice Keyboard. Each language has its history.…

Best Animated Commercials
10 Best Animated Commercials: Where Art, Storytelling, and Advertising Converge

Don’t you love it when images come to life? When a part of someone’s imagination…

Sony Android TV - Salesman of the Month
Salesman of the Month – A film by Sony Android TV

Sony Android TV – Salesman of the Month Ramadan is the Super Bowl of the…

#ShutThePhoneUp by Manforce Condoms
There’s No Going Back #ShutThePhoneUp by Manforce Condoms

Last year, Manforce Condoms took the internet by storm with its campaign #ShutThePhoneUp. It was…

Google #IMakeApps campaign
Google #IMakeApps gives app developers the chance to be storytellers

The world has come a long way in terms of technological advancement. Google is one…

android first responder update
Android First Responder by Miami Ad School, an OS update designed to save lives

With Android First Responder (created by Miami Ad School) turned on, Android will briefly analyze…

WhatsApp giving up on BlackBerry cotw
WhatsApp is giving up on BlackBerry

BlackBerry owners furious and irritated with WhatsApp’s decision to stop supporting the operating system have…

Samsung "Look At Me" the Interactive Camera App for Children with Autism
Samsung “Look At Me” the Interactive Camera App for Children with Autism

Millions of children struggles to make eye contact due to autism.

Nokia N1 Tablet, Nokia Z Launcher
It’s finally here! Nokia N1 – the tablet that thinks ahead

Nokia N1 comes with Nokia Z Launcher, the home screen that makes things simple. Just scribble a letter to find what you’re looking for – instantly. Plus, it adapts to where you are and what you’re doing to bring you the right app, right when you need it.