Etisalat Wider Web
Etisalat Wider Web – The first of its kind autistic-friendly web extension

The Ministry of Community Development (MoCD) has partnered with telecom operator Etisalat to launch a…

Bodyform: #PainStories
Bodyform: #PainStories | Taboo-busting activation campaign

Bodyform launches its latest taboo-busting activation, #PainStories, exploring the true extent of the pain women…

Truck Art Childfinder by Berger Paints
Berger Paints: Truck Art Childfinder – An Aid to find the lost children of Pakistan

More than 3000 children go missing in Pakistan and are often displaced to those remote…

Sample School – Regent Park School of Music, campaigns of the world
Sample School – Regent Park School of Music’s campaign which will provide them with sustainable donations

Many schools continuously fear running out of funds, so was the case with Toronto’s Regent…

Mercado Libre - just return it
Mercado Libre: If you don’t like it, just return it

From the hand of Sancho BBDO, Mercado Libre presents its new graphic campaign for Colombia.…

GIF Learning Library
GIF Learning Library by Child Rights Network

GiF Learning Library: a series of GiF-animated stories that teach kids about staying safe at…

Save your ears by Bolt
Bolt: Save your ears

Bolt Save your ears In Ukraine, there are a lot of traffic accidents. Around 30…

Lebanese Revolution ad by An Nahar
An Nahar Newspaper: Naharouki | To recognize women leading the 2019 Lebanese Revolution

When the Lebanese government failed to find solutions to the looming economic crisis, stagnant economy…

Monica Lewinsky Epidemic
Monica Lewinsky: The Epidemic | A painstakingly honest portrayal of Cyberbullying

We may be the most intelligent species on the planet but there’s still a lot…

Post-it Stronger Together
Post-it: Brand think loud and proud. We are “Stronger Together”

As corporate sponsors of the 2020 Twin Cities Pride Festival, 3M tapped BBDO Minneapolis early…

Right To Play: We Rise
‘Right To Play’ empowers children to rise above their challenges and find their way back to hope – We Rise

Every day, millions of children face dangerous and difficult challenges that rob them of their…

Ontario Lung Association - The Unfun Balloon
Ontario Lung Association – The Unfun Balloon

All those balloons you blew up for your last party were, in fact, a test…

West London Mission - Homeless
West London Mission – Homeless is what they are, not who they are

West London Mission – In London, where rough sleeping rose 18% year on year between…

Pre Check app by Breast Cancer Foundation
Breast Cancer Foundation launches Pre Check app to look for breast cancer

This October, Breast Cancer Foundation NZ and Colenso BBDO launch Pre Check, a multi-sensory app…

Macy's Fall Fashion | Be Remarkable
Macy’s: For Every You – Be Remarkable | Macy’s Fall Fashion

Be Remarkable | Macy’s Fall Fashion Commercial 2019 Credits Advertising Agency: BBDO New York, USA…