best ads

PETA Your Fun Hurts Animals
Your fun hurts animals – PETA shows dark side of animal circuses

Animals have long been caged, chained, and forced to perform in circuses like UniverSoul Circus,…

Cell C: #ConnectYourWay
Cell C: #ConnectYourWay

Disconnected? Really? Not in Slim’s new Cell C ad #ConnectYourWay “These kids are always on…

UberPOOL | Donald Trump | Kim Jong Un, Creative Print Ads
UberPOOL Print Ad – Create doors where there are only barriers

UberPOOL – Create doors where there are only barriers. You get more sharing moments. Creative…

Mom Be A Girl Again by Amazon India
#MomBeAGirlAgain, Never let go of your inner child- Amazon India new Ad campaign

“Mom Be a Girl Again” The widespread campaign of Amazon has come back stronger than…

Discover Los Angeles #EveryoneIsWelcome
#EveryoneIsWelcome by Los Angeles Tourism is a unique step towards showing its openness towards diversity

Discover Los Angeles #EveryoneIsWelcome This advertisement is a wonderful example of offering hospitality to people…

No Place Like Home - Chaar Diwari
Asian Paints – No Place Like Home #ChaarDiwari

#NoPlaceLikeHome – Chaar Diwari Every home has a story to tell. For Harsh, the vivid…

UNICEF One Shot is enough 3 cotw
Unicef: One shot is enough

UNICEF Chile’s “One Shot” campaign on cyber bullying won a set of gold Press and…