
Bodyform: #painstories
Bodyform: #PainStories | Taboo-busting activation campaign

Bodyform launches its latest taboo-busting activation, #PainStories, exploring the true extent of the pain women…

Womb stories by bodyform
Bodyform Womb Stories | A truly artistic expression of what it means to be a woman

The world we live in is still filled with gender-based hierarchies. Well, if you disagree…

Libresse - viva la vulva
Libresse – Viva La Vulva | A celebration of self-love

Over half think their vulva is imperfect. But there is only one perfect vulva. Yours!…

#bloodnormal - bodyform
Bodyform – “Periods are normal. Showing them should be too.” #BloodNormal

An ad that will change the norm: Bodyform shows blood* on sanitary napkin to normalize…

Bodyform - red. Fit
Bodyform aims to break the “last taboo” for women in sports | Live fearless

No blood should hold us back – and periods shouldn’t stop us from keeping fit.…