PETA Your Fun Hurts Animals
Your fun hurts animals – PETA shows dark side of animal circuses

Animals have long been caged, chained, and forced to perform in circuses like UniverSoul Circus,…

Smirnoff - We Are Open
Smirnoff Presents ‘We Are Open’ A New Campaign Developed By Circus

Smirnoff We are Open for creating a more inclusive world In line with the purpose…

Quilmes: The dude with the crates
Quilmes: The dude with the crates

A distributor accidentaly drops 40 crates of beer, so Quilmes created #TheDudeWithTheCrates on Twitter in…

Quilmes The Peanut Thingy cotw
Quilmes – The Peanut Thingy

“The Peanut Thingy” developed by Circus for Quilmes (AB InBev) Quilmes launched a limited edition…