climate change

The Climate Games, WWF, Campaigns of the world, Paris Olympics
WWF’s The Climate Games: A Wake-Up Call Amidst the Olympic Fever

As the world eagerly anticipates the thrill of the Paris Olympics, where athletes push the…

Snow Media, Snow Advertisement, Campaigns of the world, Protect Our Winters Finland, climate change
Snow Media – Transforming Snow into a Medium for Change

In an innovative move to combat climate change, Protect Our Winters Finland (POW) has launched…

Bihar, Bihar Choosing Tomorrow, Campaigns of the world, Sustainable Future, Bilbao Estuary
Bihar: Choosing Tomorrow – The Shocking Reality of Our Future

Bihar: The Shocking Dystopia Unveiled – How a Floating Girl in Bilbao‘s Estuary Reveals Our…

Save the Arctic, Greenpeace, Global Warming, Climate change, Campaigns of the world
Save the Arctic – Greenpeace’s Impactful Campaign to Preserve Our Planet

Following the strategy of the campaign created in 2013, Greenpeace has been diligently working to…

Tuvalu, The First Digital Nation, Campaigns of the world
Tuvalu, the First Digital Nation: Rising Sea Levels Propel the Pacific Island Nation Towards the Metaverse

Tuvalu: Becoming the World’s First Digital Nation in Response to Rising Sea Levels. Introduction: In…

GreenPeace, Los Santos +3ºc, Campaigns of the World
GreenPeace: Los Santos +3ºc | The climate crisis in the gaming universe

Greenpeace together with VMLY&R launches the game Los Santos +3ºc, an intervention of the servers…

COP26 Unaccessible Conference, Campaigns of the world
COP26 Unaccessible Conference | Karine Elharrar unable to enter the conference complex due to accessibility issues

“COP26 Unaccessible Conference” a Public Awareness Campaign by Leo Burnett and Access Israel Disability affects…

Genpact - Melting Point: The race against climate change
Melting Point project by Genpact – The race against climate change

Melting Point by Genpact: The most important race on earth, where digital and data combat…

climate of hunger by Action Against Hunger
A climate of hunger campaign by Action Against Hunger organization

The climate emergency is one of the main factors behind growing world hunger. According to…

Connect4Climate: #ReOOTD
Connect4Climate: #ReOOTD

#ReOOTD is a month-long campaign that uses activation to inspire Gen Z to make a…

Embarrassing plastic bags
Embarrassing plastic bags – Embarrassing people to reduce the use of single-use plastic bags

Embarrassing plastic bags is a campaign by the East-west market of Vancouver, Canada, which is…

The Climate Crisis Font
Helsingin Sanomat – The Climate Crisis Font

Climate change is a far-reaching and abstract phenomenon that as such, is challenging to understand.…

United Nations UN75
United Nations: UN75 | Shaping Our Future Together

United Nations UN75: Shaping Our Future Together Global audio network Squeak E. Clean Studios Creative…

Trump's Climate Change of Mind
Noventi Health – Trump’s Climate Change of Mind

Trump’s Climate Change of Mind, a campaign by Noventi Health By getting an invitation to…

Extinction Rebellion: Climate Crisis, and Why We Should Panic

Extinction Rebellion has relaunched a short animated film entitled Climate Crisis, and Why We Should…