Senim-meirim | adopt pets
Senim-Meirim Keep Distance with Humans, not Pets | Adopt pets

Adopt pets, awareness campaign by Senim-Meirim. Many global brands have recently changed their logos by…

Facebook covid-19 support
Facebook COVID-19 support film | ‘We’re Never Lost if we Can Find Each Other’

Facebook COVID-19 support film for Facebook Community Help – “We are never lost if we…

Brid coronavirus
BRID: Heal the world with self-isolation!

BRID: Heal the world with self-isolation! Credits Advertising Agency: BRID, Tbilisi, Georgia Creative Director: Ia…

Mucinex: spread facts, not fear | coronavirus (covid 19)
Mucinex: Spread Facts, Not Fear | Coronavirus (COVID 19)

Misinformation about Coronavirus (COVID 19) is spreading almost as fast as the virus itself. There…

Coronavirus social distancing ads
How brands are advocating for social distancing against COVID-19?

With COVID-19 becoming a worldwide pandemic, precautionary measures have become the world’s greatest defence against…

M&c saatchi: mum, i'm sorry - covid-19
M&C Saatchi: Mum, I’m sorry

Mum, I’m sorry we can’t spend Mother’s Day together. Stay home, don’t let guests in…