
Associação fala mulher, voice of silence, campaigns of the world, domestic violence reporting
Watch How the ‘Voice of Silence’ Campaign is Revolutionizing Domestic Violence Reporting

Giving Voice to the Silent: The “Voice of Silence” Campaign Breaking the Barriers of Domestic…

Fingerspelling, american sign language, campaigns of the world
‘Fingerspelling’ Campaign by American Society for Deaf Children Empowers Parents of Deaf Children

Learn how the campaign, a browser-based app utilizing machine learning and webcam technology, is…

6 best educational ads
6 Best Educational Ads: Where Advertising Becomes a Teacher

Advertising, as a medium, has the power to materialise real change. After all, good advertising…

Samsung silent whistle
Samsung Silent Whistle – The watch app that levels the playing field for the deaf

Samsung Silent Whistle Hundreds of thousands of young athletes are excluded from regular team sports…

See sound
See Sound: The world’s first smart home hearing system

See Sound is a revolutionary home device powered by an AI-learning model that is able…

Starbucks signing store
Starbucks has launched a Signing Store for the first time in the U.S.

Starbucks has opened a Signing Store in the U.S. near Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C…