digital marketing trends

Top 5 digital marketing trends in india, campaigns of the world
Top 5 Digital Marketing Trends to Boost Your Business in India for 2023

The digital marketing industry in India has grown exponentially over the past few years. With…

Signal - little brush big brush - ar-experience
Signal – Little Brush Big Brush | An AR-Experience That Encourages Kids to Brush Their Teeth

When children come into this world, they are blank slates that are highly impressionable. However,…

Pornhub - the dirtiest porn ever
PornHub – The Dirtiest Porn Ever | Get down and dirty

At Pornhub, we’re all about getting dirty. But when it comes to the millions of…

Unilever: shop2give #adddreamstocart
Unilever: SHOP2GIVE #AddDreamsToCart

There are 2.8M out-of-school Filipino children. Last August 20, Unilever launched SHOP2GIVE #AddDreamsToCart: A 24-hour…

Brooks - run the world
Brooks – Run the World

Brooks – Run the World by Miami Ad School Brief: Market Brooks Gear To Millennials…

Seminar hotel hof de planis
Seminar Hotel Hof de Planis, campaign to draw the attention of entrepreneurs and managers

The Seminar Hotel Hof de Planis is located at 1280 meters in the middle of…

Goodwine loyalty program
Goodwine shows how a new loyalty program should be launched!

Goodwine, a local wine and grocery store in Kyiv, Ukraine decided to take their loyalty…

Standard finis oil co. #notherjobonly | international women's day 2019
Standard Finis Oil Co. #NotHerJobOnly

Women endure a lot of teasing throughout their lives, especially in developing countries. At different…

Tv rain - putin turns on the rain
TV Rain – Putin turns on the Rain

There is no censorship and no problems in Russia. At least, that’s what they say…

Father’s day campaigns 2019
Father’s Day – An ode to the men who define masculinity

Father’s Day Campaigns 2019 The miracle of birth is an event of cosmic proportions. Once…

Citroën scarves
Citroën Scarves by Citroën on turning 100 years old in 2019

Citroën turns 100 years old in 2019. One hundred years at the forefront of technological…

Adidas 50/50
Adidas 50/50 campaign addresses the prejudice against women in sports

Adidas 50/50 by Miami Ad School Instead of buying TV spots, outdoor spaces and newspaper…

Coca-cola & google: the search of a lifetime
Coca-Cola and Google present: The Search of a Lifetime

A video search engine to make Israeli youngsters’ life decisions easier. Coca-Cola and Google present:…

Burger king bk flamethrower by miami ad school
Burger King’s flame-grilling experience – BK Flamethrower by Miami Ad School

Burger King is bringing the flame-grilling experience BK Flamethrower to where most millennials and gen-zers…