
Emergency Bikes
Emergency Bikes – Designed exclusively for doctors on emergency calls

Emergency Bikes – A custom-built vehicle designed to help emergency responders move faster and save…

#Ecuatorianizate by Pilsener
Pilsener: #Ecuatorianizate | A story in honor of the doctors

#Ecuatorianizate – New Pilsener’s campaign that brings Ecuadorian pride to life. Ecuador is currently facing…

Google thanks coronavirus COVID-19 helpers
Google thanks health workers to save so many | #StayHomeSaveLives

Google says thank you to coronavirus COVID-19 helpers. #StayHomeSaveLives As searches for how to help…

B Good Plaster Immediate response cotw 2
Creative ad for B-Good Plasters – Immediate response

B-good Immediate response. Credits Advertiser: B-good Advertising Agency: Grafis DDB Worldwide, Istanbul, Turkey Creative Director:…