Gender Bias

Unilever, shut up sexism, campaigns of the world
Unilever: Shut up Sexism

LUX is standing up for virtual voice assistants to highlight the contagious nature of sexist…

Top international women's day ads 2022, #breakthebias
Top International Women’s Day Ads 2022 | #BreakTheBias

#BreakTheBias – Inspiring International Women’s Day Ads 2022   Ariel: When we #SeeEqual, we #ShareTheLoad…

#heyupdatemyvoice movement by unesco
‘Hey, Update My Voice’ movement by UNESCO against gender bias and sexual harassment of AIs

Virtual assistants are increasingly present in people’s lives, helping clear doubts and making everyday life…

Skoda #thisisourtime
Skoda #ThisIsOurTime – A feminist revolt against gender biases in the world of cycling

Skoda has a unique lineage that has cycling in its DNA. Before being the automobile…

International women’s day campaign | queen rules | fcb inferno
A Deck of Cards Where the #QueenRules Supreme! Check out this International Women’s Day campaign against gender bias

On International Women’s Day, FCB Inferno, the agency behind Sport England’s ‘This Girl Can’, is…