June's HIV+ Eatery, Casey House: Break Bread Smash Stigma
June’s HIV+ Eatery by Casey House | Break Bread Smash Stigma

June’s HIV+ Eatery by Casey House. First HIV-Positive Restaurant in Toronto HIV is no longer…

Women of Change Italia: Stop Robbing Women, campaigns of the world
Women of Change Italia: Stop Robbing Women

Women of Change Italia – Stop Robbing Women. Paying women less then men, means robbing…

Human Rights Foundation: Uncomfortable Truth, Campaigns of the world
Human Rights Foundation: Uncomfortable Truth

The Human Rights Foundation hijacked Yeezy ads to boost awareness of forced labor in China…

The World's To-Do List - The Global Goals
The World’s To-Do List – A big reminder of what we need achieve

The world has some big problems. The climate crisis. Gender inequality. Human rights abuses. Extreme…

Fine Hygienic Holding: Waste Can Mask Our Future
Fine Hygienic Holding: Waste Can Mask Our Future

Hundreds of thousands of face masks are disposed of around the world every day, and…

Amnesty International Safety Distance
Amnesty International: Safety Distance

Amnesty International print campaign ‘Safety Distance’ created by VMLY&R Thousands of Central American migrants leave…

Marie Stopes International: Not Today
Marie Stopes International: Not Today, the campaign breaks the silence on a topic that no one talks about

Abortion in Mexico is a serious problem, a taboo that affects thousands of women that…

UNESCO: #QuestionsThatMatter
UNESCO: #QuestionsThatMatter | World Press Freedom Day

UNESCO: #QuestionsThatMatter | World Press Freedom Day “The sovereignty of the people and the freedom…

Greenpeace: The Nature of Plastic
Greenpeace: The Nature of Plastic | An irreversible disruption of nature

Cheil Central America has created a striking campaign for Greenpeace Chile – ‘The Nature of…

Write for Rights bu Amnesty International
Amnesty International: Write for Rights

Write for Rights is shining a light on prisoners of conscience’s plights whose most fundamental…

Beware of fake forwards on Corona virus
Beware of fake forwards on Coronavirus

Free Press Journal & Havas urges to beware of fake forwards on Coronavirus through this…

Art For Foodies by Doordash
Art For Foodies by DoorDash

DoorDash proudly celebrate the diversity of cuisines and cultures that uniquely make up America. Today…

UNICEF: Don’t let the Covid-19 vaccine become a luxury

UNICEF urges to make the Covid-19 Vaccine accessible for everyone – not just the rich!…

Vision du Monde: Here vs Over there
Vision du Monde: Here / Over there

Vision du Monde: Here / Over there. Children are the first victims of the crisis…

Cancer Society of Finland - Smoking Kills
Cancer Society of Finland: The pandemic that kills 8 million every year

Smoking kills more than eight million a year, and the number keeps growing. Regardless of…