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Burger King: It's Better Delivered
Burger King: It’s Better Delivered

Burger King: Flame Grilled? It’s Better Delivered Traditionally Italians enjoy Easter holidays flame grilling with…

News_Paper by New York Post
News_Paper by New York Post

The newspaper industry is on its way out, threatening local journalism. So how will locals…

Priceless experiences by MasterCard
MasterCard: Priceless experiences

Priceless experiences: At MasterCard we believe in experiences. We believe in the awe of the…

Burger King trolled McDonald’s with a clever ad
Burger King recently trolled its competitor McDonald’s with a clever ad outside BK Resturant

A few days ago, Burger King Belgium was surprised to discover that McDonald’s Belgium was…

tim calls interactive billboard cotw
To promote a new TIM plan DMC, Brasil created an interactive billboard

To promote a new TIM plan DMC Propaganda, Brasil created an interactive billboard. The LED…

carlsberg best poster cotw
Carlsberg Best Poster in the World

How do you make the best poster in the world? Turn it into a working…

powerade workout billboard cotw
The Powerade Workout Billboards

The world’s first “Workout Billboards”

sugarfree floating billboard cotw
Sugar Free: Floating Billboard

Sugar Free: Floating Billboard