
United Airlines Her Art Here
United Airlines Her Art Here gives wings to the artistic dreams of women

During this year’s Women’s History Month which started from Friday, 1st March 2019 and will…

SAAQ Bones Vs Steel
Bones Vs Steel. Who wins? SAAQ shows who does in a bone-chilling manner!

October turned out to be the nastiest month for Canada as it witnessed the most…

Starbucks Signing Store
Starbucks has launched a Signing Store for the first time in the U.S.

Starbucks has opened a Signing Store in the U.S. near Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C…

Kathmandu World Ready
Kathmandu – World Ready | Zeroing down on the ultimate learning experience

Kathmandu is a brand with its roots in New Zealand that sells travel and outdoor…

Fearless Girl transform into a Fearful Girl | #FearfulGirl
Change the Ref partnered with Fight Gunfire With Fire to transform the Fearless Girl to a #FearfulGirl. But why?

You all would be aware of the famous Fearless Girl statue in New York City,…

Fearless Girl - International Women's Day
‘Fearless Girl’ stands tall, and so does her legacy!

The Idea behind the Fearless Girl With women empowerment as the intended purpose, a Wall…

Bimbo Integrated Bread by Ogilvy
Bimbo Integrated Bread – Bringing Diversity and Inclusion to the Table

We live on a planet where people of different colors, ethnicities, beliefs, races, religions, and…

WINA 2018 winners
WINA 2018: Winners

WINA 2018 award ceremony was held in the main auditorium of the Los Angeles Convention…

Short Life | Detran-RN | advertising campaign
Would you trade your life for a few minutes less in traffic? – ‘Short life’ campaign by Detran-RN

From daily traffic situations and common drivers’ citations, Detran-RN created an advertising campaign “Short life”…

el universo newspaper capacitate 6
El Universo : Place your business on the map

Creative Ads- Place your business on the map by El Universo Newspaper Capacítate 6 Credits:…

Be coherent. Be Conscious. | print campaign
Detran-RN print advert – Be coherent. Be Conscious.

How far is the distance between what you say and what you do in transit?…

Cervecería Tulum craft beer
Cervecería Tulum Craft Beer- Anytime is a great time

Campaign for Cervecería Tulum craft beer, reflecting the spirit and brand attitude. Tulum Beer is…

Trabant 601: Pure driving
Trabant 601: Pure driving

The Trabant 601 is a classic from former Eastern Germany. 25 years after the last…

WWF - Stop one. Stop them all
WWF – Stop one. Stop them all

Credits: Campaign: Stop one. Stop them all Brand: WWF Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Sydney, Australia…

Unicef Reach out to a child in need
Unicef urges everyone to “Reach Out To A Child In Need”

Credits Campaign: Reach out to a child in need Brand: Unicef Advertising Agency: Hjaltelin Stahl,…