
Addresspollution org
Address pollution campaign by Central Office for Public Interest | Air pollution an unseen and ignored evil

Air pollution is that form of pollution that is often ignored due to its invisibility,…

350.org - Global Climate Strike | Out of Office
350.org: Global Climate Strike – Out of office

This week will be historic. In over 150 countries, people are stepping up to support…

Toxic Toby the #CleanAirBear by BreezoMeter
Toxic Toby the #CleanAirBear by BreezoMeter – The silent killer of London makes a public appearance for the first time

One of the few qualities of a bear, supposedly, is to be empathetic and altruistic.…

IAA - Freedom Fighters | Print Advertising
IAA Freedom Fighters – Let’s free our nation. One more time. #StopPollution.

Let’s free our nation. One more time. #StopPollution – Freedom Fighters, Issued in public interest…

samsung undust from lungs
Samsung – Undust your lungs

Clean even the air. Credits: Cheil Ukraine – Kyiv, Ukraine