print advertising

McDonald’s Directional Campaign | Print Campaign
McDonald’s: Directional Campaign

McDonald’s Directional Campaign featuring its iconic French fries shows the way in this new Print…

Samsung - Be more online at life
Samsung: Be more online at life

Social Responsibility Print advertising campaign Be more online at life by leading technology brand Samsung.…

Social-Bee: Spot the Refugee | Print Campaign
Social-Bee: Spot the Refugee | Print campaign

By using famous refugees as testimonials, the campaign shows that prejudices are wrong. Social-Bee: Spot…

Walkin Fitness Studio In Out | Print Advertising
Walkin Fitness Studio | In Out

Print advertising for Walkin Fitness Studio created by Lemont. Credits Brand: Walkin Fitness Studio Campaign:…

Fido We Are All Proud | LGBTQ2S+ community
Fido – We Are All Proud, highlight values expressed in the LGBTQ2S+ community

In honour of the 50-year anniversary of the Stonewall Inn uprising, Fido and TAXI partnered…

Rosave: Villains of the heart | Print advertising
Rosave: Villains of the heart | Print advertising

The heart is a damsel in distress being threatened by cholesterol – the villain. Rosave…

21GRAMS: How to Fire an Oscar-Winning Actor
21GRAMS: How to Fire an Oscar-Winning Actor

An homage to the long-lost art of long copy, “How to Fire an Oscar-Winning Actor”…

Dey Insurance Safe driving - Print Campaign
Dey Insurance: Safe driving Print Campaign

Dey Insurance: Safe driving Print Campaign by Maat Advertising Agency, Tehran, Iran According to researches,…

Da se zna: I disown my child | Print Advertisement
Da se zna : I (Dis)own my child

One of the toughest moments for LGBT+ population is declaring sexual orientation and gender identity…

A Little About Nomad the agency | Print Campaign
A Little About Nomad the agency

Something minimal about Nomad the agency. Print campaign for self promo. Tags: Print campaign, Nomad…

#RahulBoseMoment - Rahul Bose
#RahulBoseMoment | Two bananas vs rest of the world

Actor Rahul Bose recently posted a video on Instagram complaining about how one of the…

People Opposing Women Abuse - Life Sentence
People Opposing Women Abuse – Life Sentence, Print campaign created by agency Joe Public

In South Africa, everyone knows that a rape conviction carries a life sentence for the…

McDonald's Share the Love #NationalFrenchFryDay
McDonald’s: Share the Love #NationalFrenchFryDay

People love McDonald’s World Famous Fries and they love sharing them too – making them…

Lapiz Parallel Histories | Print Advertising
Parallel Histories, Print Advertising Campaign by Lapiz

Starting one idea, project or plan can be easy, but doing it and keeping is…

Juazeiro do Norte City Hall - Silence Can Kill | Stop domestic violence
Juazeiro do Norte City Hall – Silence Can Kill

Silence Can Kill print campaign created by Flex And Comunicação for Juazeiro do Norte City…