7 Most Innovative Marketing Campaigns: Redefining Marketing in 2023. Step into a world where creativity…
WaterLight – The Clean Energy Revolution Is Here According to the World Health Organization, at…
The Gas Saving Burner, a stove that burns gas and saves it as well! This…
The Mood Modifier from SOLO App Research has long connected the loneliness of older adults…
Road safety is an important thing, and when it comes to the protection of one’s…
Many parents face a daily problem: their children don’t eat enough vegetables. HAK, one of…
ZERO Portable Mini-Translator – The world’s most intelligent and multi functional translator designed by Timekettle.…
MISEREOR Social Swipe is the first interactive billboard to accept credit cards, making donating easier…
When technology empowers each of us, it empowers all of us. This Super Bowl, follow…
Based on facial recognition, Corruption Detector is a free APP that draws on a comprehensive…
Lux: The Soap with a Lump. An initiative to help detect Breast Cancer Lux, India’s…
Samsung Silent Whistle Hundreds of thousands of young athletes are excluded from regular team sports…
Heineken has unveiled a first-of-its-kind, zero-contact robotic bar for its alcohol-free beer brand Heineken 0.0.…
Inspired by the meaning of the original rainbow flag, Skyy Vodka wanted to create a…
The society that we live in becoming more and more inclusive with each passing day.…