
UN Women: #NoMoreSexualViolence
UN Women: #NoMoreSexualViolence

In the Latin America and the Caribbean region, 1 in 3 women has suffered physical…

People Opposing Women Abuse - Life Sentence
People Opposing Women Abuse – Life Sentence, Print campaign created by agency Joe Public

In South Africa, everyone knows that a rape conviction carries a life sentence for the…

She was asking for it- comme-il-faut
Comme il faut – #Sheaskedforit cleverly shams the links between women clothing and rape

The “She was asking for it” collection from the Israeli brand Comme il faut of…

The Survivors Trust
The Survivors Trust – The most provocative fashion show ever to provoke society

The Survivors Trust created ‘guilty clothes’ project to show society that neither the clothes nor…

PETA campaign compared rape victims to animals
PETA campaign shows how animal torture is equivalent to the pain of rape victims

In one of the most heart-touching advertising campaigns by People for the Ethical Treatment of…