
MasterCard: Wildlife Impact Card
MasterCard: Wildlife Impact Card to highlight our short time frame to help protect wildlife

Help build a future we can all live in – Wildlife Impact Card by MasterCard…

#PrayForHumankind by WWF
WWF: #PrayForHumankind

#PrayForHumankind by WWF One of the biggest challenges we have in this world is caring…

Save Our Species by Lacoste
Lacoste: Save Our Species

For the second year, Lacoste is raising awareness on threatened animals as part of its…

illegal wildlife trade print ad
Ban illegal wildlife trade. Forever.

As the world is suffering from COVID-19, it becomes extremely important to ban illegal wildlife…

Vodacom Mozambique Fashion Week: Unwanted Fashion
Vodacom Mozambique Fashion Week: Unwanted Fashion

Mozambique Fashion Week launched Unwanted Fashion More than 100,000 marine animals die each year from…

WWF print ad | Awareness campaign
WWF: Don’t destroy their life for your pleasure

This campaign was initiated to address animal cruelty. So, WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature)…

Endangered Air Freshener
Ripple Fragrances presents Endangered Air Freshener to show people that species are disappearing for real

Ripple Fragrances, a leading brand in air fresheners, partnered with Dentsu Webchutney, the digital agency…

National Geographic | Nowhere To Hide - Destination Wild | Print advertising
National Geographic – Nowhere To Hide. Destination Wild | Print advertising

Print advertising by National Geographic “Nowhere To Hide. Destination Wild” Combining both predators and their…

AnimaNaturalis hurt wildlife 2
AnimaNaturalis Mexico and Archer Troy fighting for nature.

AnimaNaturalis, non-governmental and non-profit organization that works for animal rights in Latin America, together with…