Corona Fit Packs to help the planet

The Mexican Beer manufacturer Corona has found an innovative new solution to the problem of plastic packaging which holds packs of beer together. They have redesigned their beer cans so that the top and bottom have a semi-screw mechanism, allowing cans to be “locked together” and carried like a tube (Corona Fit Packs)
To create Fit Pack, we modified the production line of Corona Extra cans so that they could be stacked one on top of the other. By doing this we will be removing plastic, cardboard, glue and any other waste that could damage the environment from our packaging. We challenged the production and manufacture of aluminum cans from the brewing industry in the modern era to be able to create these cans. Now, the sale of Corona Extra will not be compromised by a package, because the consumer will be able to decide and put together his own. We are only helping our planet by reducing pollution, we are also generating new behaviors to boost environmental aid and generating changes in the line of thought to look for new ways to help within the industry. An idea that is not only for Corona, is for everyone, to help the planet.
Packaging Design, Corona Beer Fit Packs, Innovation, Environment, Beer, Technology, Tech, Corona Fit Packs