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ElaN Languages: The Unbias Button – Rallying cry to the world to end gender-bias

ElaN Languages: The Unbias Button – Rallying cry to the world to end gender-bias

ElaN Languages The Unbias Button COTW 1

ElaN languages The Unbias Button campaign urges all to end the use of words that promote gender-bias. ElaN translation offers an online translation tool that tracks and translates gender-biased words like an actor, actress, policeman, fireman, seaman, and cameraman to gender-balanced words like an artist, police officer, fire officer, sea officer, and camera person.

The problem is this. Unfortunately, most languages are infused with words that create a sense of inequality. In other languages too like French, certain words as nouns only have a male connotation. This looks small but affects the way we picturize big time. Like what comes to our mind when we read policeman, a man of course. ElaN languages also challenge and encourages Google to Translate and iTranslate to follow suit.

ElaN Languages The Unbias Button

It seems that ElaN languages want to turn this gender-biased world into a gender-neutral world by ending the unconscious and subconscious influence of such biased words on a person’s mindset, attitude, and behaviour. We feel that this is very factual because words do influence us and if there’s a technology that helps us to choose words that direct our intellect and our emotional state in the right direction then it will bring a positive and much-needed change the world needs. Equality will prevail

Breaking Gender Biased Language – The Unbias Button | #BalanceforBetter

Campaign: The Unbias Button
Client: ElaN Languages
CEO: Robrecht Belien
Business Development Director:
Communications Officer: Stijn Phlix

Agency: J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam
Creative Partner: Bas Korsten
Creative Director: Friso Ludenhoff
Creative Director: Maarten Vrouwes
Director / Sr. Art Director: Tunchan Kalkan
Creatives: Marius Gottlieb, Jasper Korpershoek
Director / DOP: Robert Harrison
Digital Strategy Director: Wybe Sallows
Concept producer: Charlotte Lilly
PR Director: Jessica Hartley

Editing, Motion Graphics & Sound Design: Tim Arnold
Voice-over: Hannah Whitely

Public interest, JWT, Amsterdam, ElaN Languages, ElaN languages The Unbias Button, J. Walter Thompson, Translation organisation in Belgium, unbiased translations, gender-neutral, International Women’s Day 2019, Happy Women’s Day, Women’s Day Ads, Women’s Day campaigns, International Women’s Day campaign, Motion Graphics, best online translation tools, Digital Marketing Campaign, google translate, iTranslate, Technology

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