Plot Twist – an AI-based personalised and interactive storytelling experience with Alexa on Amazon Echo Dot

When children hear stories, they use them to make sense of the world. It shapes how they think and affects the choices they make even later in life. Most fairytales we’ve grown up with reiterate toxic gender roles by conditioning kids to think girls must be beautiful and docile while boys must be strong and violent, or they’re simply not good enough. If we want to change how kids see themselves, we need to change the narrative of stories they’re being told. Presenting Plot Twist – an AI-based personalised and interactive storytelling experience with Amazon Alexa on Amazon Echo Dot. Our little reminder to kids that they can be whoever they want to be.
Kindly note that this is STUDENT SPEC WORK and has not been commissioned by the brand.
Advertised brand: Amazon Echo Dot Kids Edition
Advert title: Plot Twist
Advert Type: Innovation, Digital, Experiential
Advertising School: Miami Ad School, Mumbai, India + Miami Ad School, New York, USA
Agency website:
Art Director: Jordan Bromberg
Copywriters: Palak Kapadia, Rohit Wani
Artificial intelligence, Amazon Echo Dot, Plot Twist, Miami Ad School, Amazon Alexa, Interactive storytelling, Latest Tech News, Best Innovative Campaigns, Innovative Technology Ideas, Best technology campaigns