An idea that instead of changing people’s lives. Saves Them.

Samsung “The Safety Truck”

Inspired by a startling statistic — in Argentina almost one human dies in a traffic accident every hour — Samsung and Leo Burnett Argentina set out to reclaim safety with “Safety Truck” and the power of innovation.

With the guiding understanding that crashes often occur while automobiles pass on the country’s many one-way roads, Samsung added a built-in camera to the front of a truck. This device captures real-time footage of the road and then wirelessly feeds it to four screens on the truck’s rear wall. This live film will play continuously as the truck moves, making nearby drivers aware of their surroundings.

Samsung “Safety Truck” isn’t changing the road, just the way you see it. For this seamless connection of humanity’s needs to technology’s capabilities, the campaign is one of our 2015 Cannes contenders.


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