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A revolutionary new way to watch YouTube in #SnoopaVision

A revolutionary new way to watch YouTube in #SnoopaVision

YouTube SnoopaVision cotw

Welcome to SnoopaVision, a fully immersive experience that lets you watch any video on YouTube in 360 degrees, with Snoop Dogg. A revolutionary new way to watch YouTube.

Google had the brilliant idea to help push VR immersion into the next level. The idea was that you could take a celebrity such as Snoop Dogg, and integrate him into your videos. That way you could sit back and chill with a guy that you’re rarely going to encounter in real life. Well, when they contacted him, they had no idea that he was an absolute genius when it comes to programming and integrating virtual technologies.

Snoop personally wrote most of the code that goes into the new SnoopaVision. He brainstormed with the YouTube team to make the most realistic versions of himself that could be integrated into everything from the Double Rainbow Song to a guy doing a Crazy Mountain Biking POV. Go ahead and give them a shot, these are some of the first working SnoopaVision-enabled videos.

All you need to do to activate SnoopaVision is click on the icon of Snoop’s head next to the Settings button on any YouTube video. Then you’ll find yourself in a theater watching the video with none other than the D. O. Double G. He’ll give you a little commentary on the video, and sometimes, if you’re lucky, he might even bring the video’s creator along into your virtual world. All SnoopaVision videos are 360-degree videos. So be sure look around while you’re inside.

Try SnoopaVision on these videos:

GGN Larry King & Snoop Dogg AKA Lion – Here Come The Kings Pt. 1
In part 1 of this one of a kind interview, Snoop helps Larry find his inner emcee, they briefly try walking in each others’ shoes, talk about Jackie Robinson, Chicken & Waffles, and medical marijuana. All this and more on this week’s GGN… ubitchu!!! Oh yeah… and of course Thunderclaps!!!

The ice-cream van

Crazy Mountain Biking POV | So Much Nope
Watch from the POV of Alpinestars athlete Bartek Jaws Szczęki as he does some crazy mountain biking! One slip and he could be a goner!

Watch More #SnoopaVision Videos


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