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BMW partnered with Bart Celestino to show Illuminated Landscapes in a new light!

BMW partnered with Bart Celestino to show Illuminated Landscapes in a new light!

Bmw illuminated landscapes

Artist Bart Celestino is the master of his art. He is known to bring the unseen beauty of Australian landscape to light through his signature clicks of nature’s bounty. And this time he chose to light it all up with the help of BMW X5. BMW Illuminated Landscapes

For 3 nights, Celestino drove the X5 to locations away from civilizations because Celestino believes that that’s where the magic happens, the unseen comes to light. He is of the view that in the dark things lose colour and therefore can be shot in their reduced yet true forms and shapes. So Celestino drove the X5 to places like a beach, a forest, and a quarry. We think that a place as dull as a quarry has a beautiful side which the X5 brings to light through its amazing Laselights feature and films like these convey a wonderful feature of X5 in a way that is interesting and powerful. As you can see, the captured images in the light of X5 are worth drooling over. They are unreal and enigmatic and reimagine the landscape in a new light!

We think that Celestino truly pushed the BMW X5 to its limits by taking it to such challenging locations and using it to bring out the unseen beauty of those place in the dark and have the world see and admire them. This Illuminated Landscapes campaign features images that were captured only in the X5’s Laser lights which beams up to a remarkable 500 metres, claimed to be only one of the BMW X5’s innovative features.

The Master’s Journey

The Road to Bombo Quarry

The Road To The Coast

The Road To Sydney’s Beaches

Client – BMW Group Australia
Creative Agency- Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
Campaign- BMW Illuminated Landscapes
Brand & Sponsorship Manager – Dominique Maclean
Brand and Sponsorship Coordinator – Giacinta Caione
Photographer – Bart Celestino

BMW X5, BMW Ads, BMW Commercials, Clemenger BBDO, BMW Illuminated Landscapes, Bart Celestino, Photography, Digital, Print, Innovation, Technology, Camera

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