ElaN Languages: The Unbias Button – Rallying cry to the world to end gender-bias

ElaN languages The Unbias Button campaign urges all to end the use of words that promote gender-bias. ElaN translation offers an online translation tool that tracks and translates gender-biased words like an actor, actress, policeman, fireman, seaman, and cameraman to gender-balanced words like an artist, police officer, fire officer, sea officer, and camera person.
The problem is this. Unfortunately, most languages are infused with words that create a sense of inequality. In other languages too like French, certain words as nouns only have a male connotation. This looks small but affects the way we picturize big time. Like what comes to our mind when we read policeman, a man of course. ElaN languages also challenge and encourages Google to Translate and iTranslate to follow suit.
It seems that ElaN languages want to turn this gender-biased world into a gender-neutral world by ending the unconscious and subconscious influence of such biased words on a person’s mindset, attitude, and behaviour. We feel that this is very factual because words do influence us and if there’s a technology that helps us to choose words that direct our intellect and our emotional state in the right direction then it will bring a positive and much-needed change the world needs. Equality will prevail
Breaking Gender Biased Language – The Unbias Button | #BalanceforBetter
Campaign: The Unbias Button
Client: ElaN Languages
CEO: Robrecht Belien
Business Development Director:
Communications Officer: Stijn Phlix
Agency: J. Walter Thompson Amsterdam
Creative Partner: Bas Korsten
Creative Director: Friso Ludenhoff
Creative Director: Maarten Vrouwes
Director / Sr. Art Director: Tunchan Kalkan
Creatives: Marius Gottlieb, Jasper Korpershoek
Director / DOP: Robert Harrison
Digital Strategy Director: Wybe Sallows
Concept producer: Charlotte Lilly
PR Director: Jessica Hartley
Editing, Motion Graphics & Sound Design: Tim Arnold
Voice-over: Hannah Whitely
Public interest, JWT, Amsterdam, ElaN Languages, ElaN languages The Unbias Button, J. Walter Thompson, Translation organisation in Belgium, unbiased translations, gender-neutral, International Women’s Day 2019, Happy Women’s Day, Women’s Day Ads, Women’s Day campaigns, International Women’s Day campaign, Motion Graphics, best online translation tools, Digital Marketing Campaign, google translate, iTranslate, Technology