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Oxfam: Donation Icons

Oxfam: Donation Icons

Oxfam donation icons, campaigns of the world

Donation Icons by Oxfam, an innovative new piece of technology that allows user to raise money for charity, without costing you a single penny

With donations on the decline, Oxfam was looking for new sources of funds.

RKCR/Y&R saw the answer staring us all in the face. On average, each of us spends seven hours a day at a computer. Daily, we view thousands of file icons. What if we use those views to raise money for charity?

The birth of Donation Icons, the world’s smallest and smartest advertising space. When you donate your computer icons to Oxfam, the application created by RKCR/Y&R turns them into smart media spaces to carry ads. Brands pay to use that space on your computer, and every penny goes to Oxfam.

The icons update through the day, showing time-dependent messages, ads targeted to your area, even limited-time promotions. Your experience is unchanged, except for the glow you feel helping others.

Client: Oxfam
Advertising Agency: RKCR Y&R, London, UK
Category: Digital & Innovative advertisement