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Volvo Auto India – #BreatheFree Campaign to reduce our carbon footprint significantly

Volvo Auto India – #BreatheFree Campaign to reduce our carbon footprint significantly

Volvo auto india breathe free | air pollution india

“We know that when you think of Air Pollution, you think of cars. Which is why we’re stepping up. We’re upping our game to cut back on emissions, to do more work on greener tech, to reduce our carbon footprint significantly. Volvo Auto India – #BreatheFree Campaign

Volvo auto india breathe free | air pollution

To gather real momentum however, we need you. Because while companies like us can make big changes, we can’t begin to compete with the power of little changes, when made by millions of people. Under the #BreatheFree campaign, we are reaching out to you, to your cities, to your children, to your parents – to take small actions every day, that will roll back the slowly creeping decline in air quality across the globe.

We are committing to a cleaner future by committing to greener technology, but that is just the start. To enable real change, we need mindsets to change. Who better than children to spearhead this movement? They are the worst affected, yes, but they could also be the most effective agents of change.

Volvo auto india breathe free | air pollution india

Under the #BreatheFree Campaign, we are going to schools and engaging with school children not just to help them understand the problem at hand, and what they can do about it, but also to learn from them what their idea of a cleaner future is. To help them get started, we created cost-effective DIY air purifiers which would help the underprivileged to breathe clean air during the most polluted months in India.

At Volvo, we believe it’s the little steps taken by millions of us, that will bring about real and enduring change. And it’s not a lot to ask for.”

Breathe Free | School Contact Program

Breathe Free | Environment Protection Video

5 Things You Can Do Today to Reduce Air Pollution

#Breathefree Campaign, Air Pollution, Volvo Auto India, Breathe Free, Environment Protection Video, environmental problem, Climate Change, Digital Film, Awareness Campaigns, Latest Technology Advertisements, Creative Technology Ideas, best technology advertisements, innovative ads, Volvo Breathe Free

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