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You need ‘The Triple S’ ad strategy to positively connect brands with potential consumers via mobile ads!

You need ‘The Triple S’ ad strategy to positively connect brands with potential consumers via mobile ads!

widespace grey casestudy

Sales figures surpassed targets

You need ‘The Triple S’ ad strategy to positively connect brands with potential consumers via mobile ads! The Triple S – Sensitive, Sensible and Smart strategy.

Checkout how did Widespace and Penguin Random House International UK embraced The Triple S strategy to create awareness and purchase intent of a new book. With ad recall 4x higher than the digital display market average, the book sales figures had surpassed the set target. The campaign was also shortlisted as ’Most Effective Brand Campaign’ at the Effective Mobile Marketing Awards 2015.



Penguin Random House sought to create awareness and purchase intent of the new book by EL James, “Grey”, among the millions of original Fifty Shades fans. By bringing attention to the book via mobile, the ultimate goal was to drive sales both online and in physical stores.


Penguin Random House used Widespace’s mobile TakeOver format to create an impactful ad with a positive user experience, with an animation function to maximise attention. To ensure the most relevant audience was reached, the ad was integrated natively into premium lifestyle and entertainment sites such as Cosmopolitan, Digital Spy and Grazia, and Widespace’s Brand Algorithm was used to find the most interested users within these environments. iPhones were specifically targeted as the ad linked directly through to the iTunes store page with the option to purchase the book immediately.


The Brand Impact Study showed that half of the exposed users recalled the Widespace ad and 80% of those users found the ad very interesting. The author awareness uplift was 46% and an astonishing 43% of exposed users would purchase a book by E L James, a 153% uplift versus the control panel. The physical and online sales figures surpassed client targets. As a consequence of these results, this campaign was shortlisted as ’Most Effective Brand Campaign’ at the Effective Mobile Marketing Awards 2015.

Senior Marketing Manager, Sarah Ridley at Penguin Random House had to say:
“Our main aim with the mobile campaign for Grey was brand awareness and making sure the millions of original Fifty Shades fans out there knew the new book was out and available to download. Mobile was the perfect way to reach out to this audience in a relevant environment and Widespace’s premium format allowed us to engage with potential fans in an engaging way on appropriate partner sites. The campaign performed well and we were impressed with the brand awareness uplift amongst users who were delivered the ad.”

Three strong results:

Book sales figures surpassed targets
Ad recall 4 times higher than the digital display market average
153% uplift in purchase intent

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