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Fortnight lingerie: Super Sexy CPR

Fortnight lingerie: Super Sexy CPR

Fortnight lingerie: super sexy cpr

High-end lingerie is a category dominated by major labels with major advertising budgets and competition so fierce that a small boutique label like Fortnight Lingerie can’t expect to compete. They decided to challenge that notion. To put Fortnight on the map, they created an idea that was not only sexy but life-saving and called it Super Sexy CPR. In late May they released two instructional films that not only educated, but titillated. Since its release it has garnered over 17 million plus views, 128,000 likes on Facebook and tens of thousands of tweets. More importantly, it has been featured on the Huffington Post, Los Angeles Times and CNBC. Fortnight Lingerie has been featured on countless high-end fashion blogs and magazines, gained distribution in several countries overseas and seen a sharp spike in sales. And as even more proof that sex not only sells, it saves, the video is currently being used by the British Armed Forces and EMS as a training video to instruct soldiers.

Daniel Bonder/Christina Yu, Art directors
Daniel Bonder, Writer
Christina Yu, Executive creative director
Christina Humphries/Chris Parkins, editors
Curtis Wehrfritz, Director
Adam Damelin, Music
Amanda Campbell, Producer
James Davis, Executive producer
Rooster, Editorial company
Track and Field, Post-production company
Untitled Films, Production company
Eggplant, Music company
Andrew Rolfe, Visual effects company
Red Urban Canada, Ad agency
Fortnight Lingerie, Client
Super Sexy CPR, Campaign

Best Tv Commercials, Best Commercial Ads, Best TV Ads, Awareness campaign, Super Sexy CPR

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