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Nike: Play for the World | An ode to the athletic spirit in the wake of a pandemic

Nike: Play for the World | An ode to the athletic spirit in the wake of a pandemic

Nike: Play for the World

Nike: Play for the World | You Can’t Stop Us.

Over the years, Nike has perfected the craft of publishing inspirational content. As the brand itself says, “Nike strives to bring innovation and inspiration to every athlete in the world.” But, this statement isn’t what sets Nike apart from other brands advertising in similar domains. As exemplified in a recent campaign called ‘Play for the World’, Nike defines an athlete as anyone with a body. This simple yet inclusive definition is what draws people from all walks of life to Nike commercials.

‘Play for the World’ owes its conceptualisation to Wieden+Kennedy. It addresses how COVID-19 is affecting athletes across the globe. Humongous names like LeBron James, Sara Hughes, and Ramla Ali star in the campaign. However, it finds its gusto in the communal display of athletic feats that people are accomplishing indoors. The Black and White colour palette further connects viewers with the campaign’s emotional impact. All in all, ‘Play for the World’ celebrates the human pursuit of sports excellence. It addresses how athletes are still going hard despite staying indoors.

Consequently, we feel that ‘Play for the World’ is yet another home run for Nike. Furthermore, it is the kind of creative expression that the world needs at this moment.

Advertising Agency: Wieden + Kennedy, USA

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