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The Fresh System | Store Fruits & Veggies Longer: Carulla’s Fresh Guide to Optimal Ripening

The Fresh System | Store Fruits & Veggies Longer: Carulla’s Fresh Guide to Optimal Ripening

The Fresh System, Carulla Supermarket, Campaigns of the world, Food Waste

The Fresh System – From Store to Shelf: Master the Art of Optimal Ripening

In a world grappling with the staggering issue of food waste, Carulla, a renowned premium supermarket, took on the challenge with a groundbreaking solution – The Fresh System. With 931 million tons of food wasted annually globally, Carulla recognized the need for a transformative approach to educate customers about proper fruit and vegetable storage. The key to their solution? Ethylene, a gas found in all fruits and vegetables that influences their ripening process.

The Fresh System, Carulla Supermarket, Campaigns of the world, Food Waste

The Concept:
Fresh System categorizes fruits and vegetables based on their ethylene emissions, guiding customers on how to pair them for optimal storage at home. The aim is to empower individuals to play a proactive role in reducing food waste by altering their behaviors and habits.

Carulla seamlessly integrated Fresh System into their brand experience

Revolutionizing In-Store Displays:
Carulla initiated change by transforming the way fruits and vegetables are stored in their supermarkets. This hands-on approach enables customers to witness and replicate the system at home.

Elevating E-Commerce:
The transition extended to their e-Commerce platform, where images were revamped to align with the Fresh System, providing an immersive online shopping experience.

Innovative Delivery Processes:
Carulla even adapted their product delivery methods to ensure that the Fresh System principles were maintained throughout the supply chain, reaching customers in the best possible condition.

Educational Campaign:
To educate customers, Carulla launched a comprehensive campaign:

In-Store Reorganization:
The supermarket rearranged its fruits and vegetables section to reflect the Fresh System, prompting customers to adopt the new storage approach.

Visual Guidance System:
Carulla developed a visual system indicating how to store each fruit and vegetable at home, considering ethylene emissions and ideal temperatures. This guidance enables customers to achieve optimal ripening based on their preferences.

Content Creation:
Engaging content was created to showcase various combinations and organization methods, educating people on how to store apples, pears, grapes, lettuces, spinach, and more based on ethylene levels.

Carulla’s Fresh System isn’t just a solution; it’s a revolutionary concept that addresses the global issue of food waste at its source. By empowering customers with knowledge and practical guidance, Carulla has set a new standard for responsible and sustainable food consumption.

Credits: –
Campaign: The Fresh System
Brand: Carulla
Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Colombia

This campaign is about: –
Fresh System, Carulla, Food Waste Reduction, Ethylene-Based Storage, Sustainable Living, Fruits and Vegetables Storage, Innovative Supermarket Solutions, Fresh Produce Management, Ethylene Emissions, Optimal Ripening, Eco-Friendly Grocery Shopping, Sustainable Food Practices, In-Store Experience, Online Grocery Shopping, Responsible Consumption, Food Preservation Tips, Eco-Conscious Living, Farm-to-Table Practices, Grocery Store Innovations, Reducing Carbon Footprint, Carulla Supermarket