The Gun Violence History Book

The Gun Violence History Book

America has a tragic history of gun violence. But sadly, we’ve yet to learn the lessons of the past. Introducing The Gun Violence History Book. A powerful symbol and an education tool. Made from over 200 years of gun violence. This book has done what history has been unable to do: Stop a bullet.

The Gun Violence History Book

Every day a new page of gun violence history is written. And it’s not stopping.

The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence — an organization committed to fighting the gun violence issue on a state and federal level — created The Gun Violence History Book. Made out of articles, facts, and data showcasing a tragic and deadly history that repeats itself.

The book features 19 milestones to help you better understand gun violence, and how common-sense gun regulations, such as universal background checks, will help it.

But more than it being a sad uncovering of our past, this book acts as a lesson for the future – for Americans young and old who still believe there is a way for us to close the book on America’s gun violence history.

Advertising Agency: FCB / Chicago
Client: Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence

This campaign is about:
The One Show 2020, Gun violence, Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence, Gun Violence Prevention Education, Awareness Campaign, Education