Catalyst’s #BiasCorrect wants to put an end to bias against women

Catalyst #BiasCorrect by Burns Group

Catalyst Inc. is a global non-profit organization that works with some of the world’s elite and most influential CEOs and foremost companies to aid the transformation of workplaces to places that work for women. Their mission is to “accelerate progress for women through workplace inclusion.” And what better way to carry their noble mission ahead than by launching a Catalyst #BiasCorrect plug-in on International Women’s Day that corrects unconscious bias in workplaces.

Catalyst partnered with Burns Group agency to design a Slack plug-in that assists in weeding out unconscious bias words that take up everyday conversations intentionally or unintentionally. More often than not, the tendency to use words like pushy, bitchy, and aggressive while describing a woman has become a habit. What’s more alarming is that the users of such words don’t even know that they have this habit and how it is detrimental to the equality and gender-neutral ethics in workplaces. #BiasCorrect plug-in points out to the user when he types such negative bias words and recommends him or her more professional, positive, and gender-neutral words like ‘passionate’ instead of emotional and ‘assertive’ instead of aggressive.

Catalyst #BiasCorrect by Burns Group

Catalyst #BiasCorrect by Burns Group

Catalyst #BiasCorrect by Burns Group

Catalyst #BiasCorrect by Burns Group

We believe that this app will certainly do the needful to allay inequality in workplaces by helping people to choose sensible words. After all, words are strongly influential.

You will see powerful faces supporting this campaign like Hillary Clinton, Mita Mallick of Unilever who is the Head of Diversity there, and Tawana Murphy Bennett who is Facebook’s Global Lead.

Client – Catalyst
Campaign: Catalyst #BiasCorrect
Iris Henries SVP, Global Brand and Strategic Communications
Serena Fong VP, Strategic
Agency – Burns Group
Joanne McKinney CEO
Sam Arcade Executive Creative Director
Nicole Lucey Executive Creative Director
Whitley Edwards Associate Creative Director
Meghan Dailey Senior Art Director
Pauline Nidea Designer
Natalie Glaser Group Account Director
Alanda Fellows Director of Integrated Production
Maria Hummel Integrated Producer
Tori MacMahon Associate Producer
Jerry Mulcahy Production Designer
Ward Whipple Proofreading
Michelle Morrie Editor/Motion Designer
Website – Wyng, Inc
Emily Duke Agency Account Director
Kaleigh Sullivan Solutions Architect
Kelly Devine Lead Front-End Developer
René Samson Director of Engineering
Photography – Versatile Studios
Celeste Sloman Photographer
Emily Leonardo Agent/Executive Producer
Amy Frances Fraher Producer
Bianca Harlacher Associate Producer
Lee Wall 1st Assistant
April Blum 2nd Assistant
Katie Hawthorne Digi Tech
Yumi Kaizuka Groomer
Naoko Iwata Assistant Groomer
Monica Nguyen Assistant Groomer
Kit Pilosof Stylist
Plug-in Development – Eskalera
Vivek Vaidya Co-Founder Eskalera
Debra Kadner Co-Founder and Head of Product

Catalyst, Bias Correct, #BiasCorrect, Hillary Clinton, Sheryl Sandberg, Sallie Krawcheck, social campaign, OOH Campaign, digital campaign, unbiased words, International Women’s Day, IWD 2019, Women’s day campaign, gender equality, gender equality in the workplace, Burns Group, United States, Women’s Day Ads, Catalyst #BiasCorrect

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