IFRC: An innovative corrective tool for ‘FaceTouchers’

In the times of Coronavirus, being a FaceTouchers is not graceful by any means. With the risk of infection spanning entire continents, no one can be too cautious. Thus, it is perfectly reasonable to stop letting our own touch from becoming a gateway for the virus. However, for some of us, touching our faces is as instinctive as breathing. Thankfully, IFRC has come up with a snap lens to help ‘FaceTouchers’ correct themselves.
A digital advertisement for the lens exemplifies how it works. The ad starts with some typography and eases into some live demonstrations. Basically, the Snapchat lens confronts ‘FaceTouchers’ every time they err. It displays quirky messages whenever the camera registers a face touch.
Overall, the campaign possesses a playful tone and effectively delivers its social message.
Advertising Agency: Happiness, Brussels, Belgium
Digital Production: Bliss Interactive
IFRC FaceTouchers, Digital Campaign, We Are Social, Social distancing, Snapchat lens, COVID-19