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Manboobs4boobs: A campaign to raise awareness for early detection of breast cancer that defies censorship in Social Media

Manboobs4boobs: A campaign to raise awareness for early detection of breast cancer that defies censorship in Social Media

manboobs4boobs breast cancer awareness campaign cotw

David executive creative directors Joaquin Cubria and Ignacio Ferioli said: “It’s hard to get women over 25 to examine their breasts regularly to prevent breast cancer. But it isn’t hard to make them check their phones every five minutes. So that’s how we decided to get to them.”

“Breasts aren’t very welcome. They’re censored,” the creatives said. “Even when teaching how to perform a BSE for the early detection of breast cancer. That’s where ‘manboobs4boobs’ comes in. A health-related campaign that requires men to partake in order to succeed.”

Share the video or make your own #ManBoobs4Boobs

Source: Adweek

Client: MACMA
Agency: David Buenos Aires
Executive Creative Directors: Joaquin Cubria / Ignacio Ferioli
Copywriter: Juan Peña
Art Director: Ricardo Casal
General Accounts’ Director: Emanuel Abeijon
Account Director: Lucila Castellani
Account Executive: Brenda Ranieri
Head of production: Brenda Morrison Fell
Agency’s Producer: Felipe Calvino
Production House: LANDIA
Executive Producer: Adrian D’Amario
Producer: Thomas Amoedo
Director of Photography: Nicolas Hardy
Sound Mix: PORTA Estudio
Music: Cluster
Editor: Ana Svarz
Clients: Irene Marcet / Isabel Geraige

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