MASGLO – Glo Tu Pride #ComingOutDay

MASGLO invited three members of the LGBTQ+ community to share their stories for National Coming Out Day. Do your nails using the colors of the rainbow flag in support of your loved ones. #ComingOutDay
Young people and adults continue to suffer from discrimination after coming out. On coming out day, three young people narrate the before and after coming out and how they have had to deal with rejection of their family and friends. The Glo Tu Pride initiative, created by TBWA \ San Juan for MASGLO (a brand of nail polishes recently launched in Puerto Rico), seeks to raise awareness about this social problem and how acceptance can change a person’s life. Masglo invites everyone to paint their nails in rainbow colors on October 11 in support of the LGBTQ + community. To make it easier, MASGLO created a commemorative package for International Coming Out Day that bears the name of Glo Tu Pride, and includes the colors of the rainbow.
#glotupride #saldelcloset #masglopr #ComingOutDay
Advertising Agency: TBWA\ San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico
LGBTQ+ Community, LGBT, LGBTQ Pride, MASGLO, National Coming Out Day, Digital Campaign