Terre des Femmes: #UnHateWomen

#UnHateWomen campaign by Terre des Femmes makes violence against women visible.
Violence against women is not always just physical. Language can also be violent. Verbal violence against women is heard, liked and celebrated millions of times – and so it is part of our everyday life and our language.
The #UNHATEWOMEN aims to raise awareness that verbal violence against women prepares the breeding ground for further forms of violence against them. The aim is to create awareness of the problem in dealing with misogynistic language. Activating the media is also intended to increase the pressure on politicians to take measures against the spread of misogynistic language. Terre des Femmes calls for the consistent fight against and prosecuting hate crime against women on the Internet.
The idea:
with a viral campaign video #UNHATEWOMEN beats the rappers with their weapons: their lyrics. Read by women and free from thumping beats, there is only one thing left of many songs: sheer misogyny. #UNHATEWOMEN uses the social channels popular with the rap stars to spread the campaign video and to call for solidarity under the hashtag. On YouTube, the organization placed quotes as pre-rolls in front of precisely those music videos from which the misogynistic texts were taken.
Terre des Femmes calls for the systematic fight and prosecuting hate crime against women and girls on the Internet.