Cricket Wireless: Mothers, it’s always YOUR day! #PhotoMombing

Mothers, it’s always YOUR day! You created the miracle of life! You’ve taken 1,000s of photos of your kids and they’ve taken zillions of themselves! Save them from being self-obsessed, disconnected little miscreants and start #PhotoMombing their selfies for Cricket’s sake! We love you!
#PhotoMombing: verb: When a mother photobombs their kids’ pictures, often causing laughter, embarrassment, and retakes.
Cricket Wireless endorses safe practices for #PhotoMombing, including; jumping, spinning, yelling, sneak tickling, planking, twerking, and, of course, our favorite, the stag leap while throwing glitter. Side effects may include temporary laughter, lifelong respect and street cred at the gym. You haven’t had this much fun since your senior year of junior college.
Kids, teach your mom how #PhotoMombing works. Your Mom is the Bomb. Keep her IN the picture.
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Watch the Behind the Scenes
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